Agriculture is the most important sector of the country’s economy, and one of the few in which there is a constant growth in economic indicators. At the same time, the agricultural sector still has a number of problems that need to be addressed both at the highest state level and at the level of small entrepreneurs.

Ways, stages, factors of development of agriculture
The development of agriculture in the Russian Federation can be divided into three stages:
The first stage took place in the nineties. This time is characterized by a significant decline in economic indicators and the subsequent stagnation of the industry;
The second stage falls on the beginning of the two thousandth. Thanks to the competent state policy and financial support of agricultural enterprises, the country managed to normalize the situation in agriculture;
The third stage is active growth, which continues to our time.
The factors influencing the development of the agro-industrial complex include climatic conditions, financial support from the state, global pricing and investment attractiveness of the industry. Each of the factors influences the development of the agricultural sector to varying degrees.
There can be many ways to develop the industry. But you need to focus on the introduction of resource-saving technologies with a simultaneous increase in production efficiency.
Modern trends in the development of agriculture
The modern development of agriculture differs significantly from previous periods. A characteristic feature is a search for ways to increase the productivity of land and raise animals. This is due to the fact that every year the number of hungry people in the world is growing.
According to experts, if the situation in the world does not change, in twenty years many military conflicts may arise, the main purpose of which will be the seizure of agricultural land.
Natural prerequisites for the development of agriculture and industry

For the full development of agriculture, certain natural prerequisites are required. Due to the vast territory, a large area of land suitable for agricultural activity has been allocated in Russia for agricultural activities.
The most favorable soils are located in the European part of the Russian Federation, which stands out for the production of grain, especially the Kuban.
Climatic conditions vary from region to region. The yield and the type of crops grown depend on the amount of precipitation and sunny days.
The variety of natural and climatic conditions allows growing almost the entire range of crops and animals. That is why the Russian Federation is one of the world’s leading exporters of agricultural products.
Agriculture in developed countries
Agriculture in developed countries is characterized by high adaptability and heterogeneity. The agro-industrial complex is represented by a traditional sector, that is, farms, a modern sector, large agricultural holdings engaged in large-scale production, processing, and export sales of products.
Developed countries are leaders in most areas of agriculture. Russia, China, USA, Brazil and Argentina stand out for the high level of livestock breeding.
France, Russia and China are the leaders in the production of dairy products. The leaders among exporters of poultry meat are the USA, France and the Netherlands, lamb – Australia and Great Britain, pork – Canada, Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands.
In plant growing, Russia, China, USA, Australia, Argentina stand out.
Entrepreneurship in agricultural development
Entrepreneurship, regardless of the form of business, plays an important role in the development of agriculture. The rapid development of agricultural enterprises began after the reform of agriculture and the liquidation of collective farms.
Private enterprises are the main producers of agricultural products. Most businesses base their strategy on maximizing profits. For this, investments are constantly attracted, new technologies for growing agricultural products are being introduced.
State program for the development of agriculture
State support for agricultural enterprises is very important to overcome pressing problems. Therefore, the Ministry of Agriculture has developed a program for the development of agriculture for the period from 2013 to 2020.
The objectives of this program are:
Guarantee of food independence of the state.
Increasing the competitiveness of national products in the international market by introducing innovative technologies, improving the agro-industrial complex, supporting agricultural enterprises and increasing the investment attractiveness of the industry.
Increasing the financial stability of the enterprise and reducing the riskiness of agricultural activities.
Reproduction and improvement of the efficiency of use of land resources.
Development of rural areas and increasing employment of the rural population.
Agricultural Development Fund
The full name of the organization is the Fund for Assistance to Agricultural Development “UNIFIED CENTER FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT”.
This is a non-profit organization, the purpose of which is to stimulate the development of the agro-industrial complex, providing the population with the opportunity to purchase high-quality domestic products at significantly lower prices than imported counterparts.
The fund was established in 2012 and has been successfully operating to this day. Under the auspices of the fund, fairs of agricultural products are constantly held, where domestic producers can present their own products to potential buyers.
The Foundation cooperates with the Ministry of Defense, helping former military pilots to find employment in agricultural enterprises and military pilots in private aviation.
The main goal of the fund is determined to create a unified telecommunication network of agricultural producers. For this, a program has been developed to provide all agricultural producers with Internet access.
How to get a subsidy, subsidy, loan for the development of agriculture
There are many government programs to support agricultural producers, among which direct financing programs stand out. These programs include subsidies. The peculiarity of this program is that the amount received does not need to be returned.
To qualify for a grant, you must meet certain criteria. Only novice farmers, from the moment of registration of which at least 3 years have passed, can apply for the subsidy.
The amount of the subsidy is determined individually, depending on the needs of the applicant and the region of his registration.
To qualify for a subsidy, you need to clearly define the purpose of receiving it. Typically, government assistance is required to increase livestock numbers, purchase additional agricultural land, purchase planting material, feed or fertilizers, and replenish fixed and circulating assets.
A loan for the development of an agricultural enterprise is the most popular way to raise funds. To qualify for a loan, you need to have a registered company that brings a stable income and has liquid property in its ownership.
To obtain a loan, you must submit an application, a recommendation from the administration, documents for liquid property or have a guarantor, and documents proving the identity of the applicant and the recipient.
In some cases, you can get a subsidy for the return of loans or interest payments.
How to get a grant for the development of agriculture
Grants are a special type of financial assistance to agricultural enterprises.
A grant can be issued in the following cases:
for the application of communications, the acquisition of land and the construction of agricultural facilities;
to introduce innovations;
to pay off lease payments;
to compensate for funds spent on the construction of facilities or land acquisition
for the purchase of animals or fertilizers.
To receive a grant, you must write an application, submit a copy of the documents that provide the identity of a higher education diploma, a copy of the charter and a detailed business plan.